Vol. 14, No. 2, Spr 1995
Volume 14, Number 2, Spring 1995
Cover: Farida Fahmy
One Flower in a Bouquet: Folkloric Pioneer Farida Fahmy, by Sahra C. Kent
The Age-Old Riddle of the Sphinx, by Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D.
Crediting Paul Monty’s Vision: The Birth of the Mideastern Dance Seminar, by Morocco
The Splendor of Uzbec Dance, Part I: Khorezm, by Laurel Victoria Gray
Safe Journey: Latcho Drom Revisited, by Aisha Ali
Myth and Sexuality: The Body as Body, by Jamake Highwater
Back to the Belly: Awakening the Kinesthetic Sense, by Zahra Zuhair
Dance Literacy Through Labanotation, Part II: The Informal Use of Labanotation, by Menawara
On-line Dancing: Tapping the Information Superhighway, by James Janner