Vol. 14, No. 4, Fall 1995
Volume 14, Number 4, Fall 1995
Cover: Burçin Orhon
Burçin Orhon, Innovative Twist on Turkish Oryantal, by Eva Cernik
Latent Orientalism, Part II: The Modern Legacy, by Ronald L. Iverson
In Search of the Arabs, by Jack G. Shaheen, Ph.D.
Songs and Spirits: The “Zar” Ritual in Cairo, by Laurie Eisler
The Zar: A Mirror of Ourselves, by Latifa
The Goddess Dances: Women’s Dances of Georgia, by Laurel Victoria Gray
A Week in Afghanistan: A Proud and Friendly Spirit Against All Odds, by Nuria Tahan
Samasem’s Magic Carpet Ride: Cairo’s Ups and Downs, by Betsy Flood