Vol. 15, No. 3, Sum 1996
Volume 15, Number 3, Summer 1996
Cover: Omar Faruk Tekbilek
Omar Faruk Tekbilek: Flowing from an Ocean of Sincerity, by Rhea
Dervish Whirling: The Dance of the Known Universe, by Ellen Sander
Adnan Sarhan: A Dancer’s Teacher, A Drummer’s Drummer, A Sufi, by Jenna Gracia Woods
Playing for Peace: Meeting with Nabil Azzam, by Deborah Hunter
The Mellifluent Maqam, by Jeanette Cool
Samara: Sayyida Raks Sharqi, by Nuria Tahan
He is Coming, She is Coming: Guedra, the Tuareg Blessing Dance, by Karol Harding
Guedra: Inside the Living Ritual, by Jenna Gracia Woods
Dancing the Eternal Forces, by Andrea Deagon
Healthy Gains: The Unique Contributions of Middle Eastern Dance, by Shakira